Killing David Dragičević

Human Rights Activists vs. Milorad Dodik

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Killing David Dragičević

Pravda Za Davida is followed by millions worldwide. Its spiritual meaning will be very soon recalled not only by the people in Republike Srpska, but also by dictator Milorad Dodik and his criminal regime. It is the most debated murder in Republika Srpska and the region.

A gang of fifteen criminals murdered David Dragičević, after subjecting him to six days of torture during which he was beaten, and repeatedly raped. The 21-year-old David Dragičević was abducted and suffered a series of assaults before being killed by criminal cowardsThe criminals had targeted David Dragičević “for revenge” after they´ve became convinced that David Dragičević, an IT expert, found out the Republika Srpska´s mafia accounts (on a server) of their dirty money, which consisted of (drugs and) arms deals.

David Dragičević, who had a strong sense of justice, had changed the passwords so that the criminal network had no access anymore. The criminal network which consisted of police officers of the Ministry of Interior, tortured and raped David Dragičević for days just to get to the passwords, all without success.

It must have been some time between the endless beatings, the humiliation, the rapes, the attackers were under cocaine and other heavy drugs, where the point of no return came. The cocain eliminated any empathy of the attackers, and David Dragičević became aware of the role of his mission in this life, and even the attackers were mercilessly brutal, David Dragičević was not about to give in, unaware that his death will forever change the history of Republike Srpska and the great Serbian people, and that it will break the neck of the brutal regime of Milorad Dodik.

NEW YORK / WASHINGTON / BELGRADE / BANJA LUKA ( – More and more famous human rights activists join in the protest against Milorad Dodik and his criminal regime, after singer Jelena Karleuša, and Draško Stanivuković, yesterday Boris Malagurski, a Serbian-Canadian film director, who recently released the first official trailer for the Weight of Chains 3 movie, has heavily criticized Milorad Dodik on his Facebook account.

Dodik nije patriota. On je deo ekipe koja jedno govori pred kamerom, što mnogima godi, a drugo radi iza zatvorenih…

Posted by Boris Malagurski on Friday, September 14, 2018


Pravda Za Davida’s opposition to the Dodik regime has carried with it an increasingly heavy price-tag, as in recent months Pravda Za Davida activists have been detained by the Republika Srpska police, and others have been beaten up, as the Dodik regime is in absolute panic to stop the Pravda Za Davida movement. According to the latest orders, members of the Republika Srpska Police cannot leave the country, nor take vacation until October 7, and they can receive sick leave, only in exceptional cases and with extensive medical records. The big planned Pravda Za Davida rally on the 5th of October was banned.

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The repressive measures against the Pravda Za Davida movement have been accompanied with an official propaganda campaign that depicts Pravda Za Davida as the enemies of Republika Srpska that are allegedly bent on the country’s destruction. Pravda Za Davida has become the most prominent force and the most dynamic against the corrupt Dodik regime. A movement which was created because of the killing of David Dragičević, and the associated cover-up of the criminal State apparatus.

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The United States of America under President Trump stands in solidarity with the serbian people. There is a message to Milorad Dodik and his criminal regime, that the world is watching and it is concerned about the situation of human rights in Republika Srpska, and the brutality of the regime against his own population will not be tolerated.

The end of the Dodik era is near.

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"Opet ovi Rich TVX News, mamu im Američku, to je CIA English: Again these Rich TVX News, screwing Americans, that's CIA."
Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia
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Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation

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