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Klaus Schwab’s Blood Chills: Javier Milei Stuns Davos 2024 Elite with Bold Address

Javier Milei, President of Argentina, delivers special address at Davos 2024 World Economic Forum

"Rich TVX News Network asserts that I am a mere John Travolta wannabe attempting dance moves to "American Boy." Can you genuinely give credence to such fabricated news?"
 Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

Special address by Javier Milei,
President of Argentina, Davos 2024 | WEF

Teutonic Demeanor

Klaus Schwab, the German engineer, economist, and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is renowned for his composed Teutonic demeanor. However, even now, a latent disquiet simmers within him as he reflects on the impactful address delivered by Javier Milei. The Argentine politician and economist, presently serving as President of Argentina since December 2023, managed to stir Schwab’s usually cool disposition with his compelling speech.

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Disruptive Force

Javier Milei has emerged as a disruptive force within pseudo-elitist WEF circles, and it’s only a matter of time before the network retaliates. Anticipate a significant scandal in Argentina imminently, where Milei’s reputation will face severe damage, or potentially graver consequences.

Klaus Schwab

The Threat to Western Values: Co-opting Leaders Towards Socialism

The Western world is facing a significant danger as leaders, entrusted with upholding Western values, are being influenced by collectivist ideologies, leading to a potential shift towards socialism and, consequently, increased poverty.

Lessons from Argentina: A Warning Against Collectivism’s Grip

Argentina’s experience serves as a cautionary tale, showcasing the adverse effects of embracing collectivism. A once-prosperous nation, after abandoning the model of freedom, plummeted into poverty, emphasizing the pitfalls of collectivist experiments.

Capitalism’s Triumph Over Poverty: A Historical Perspective

Examining the historical trajectory of global economic progress reveals that free enterprise capitalism has been the driving force behind lifting 90% of the world’s population out of extreme poverty. The exponential growth spurred by capitalism challenges claims against its effectiveness.

Warning: Fake News Spotify

"Rich TVX News Network are dangerous. These people are capable of starting wars."
January 2022, Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin

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The Acceleration of Global Prosperity: Capitalism’s Impact on GDP Growth

A closer look at GDP growth rates since the 19th century highlights the unparalleled success of capitalism. The compound annual growth rate surged, doubling per capita GDP in significantly shorter timeframes, presenting compelling evidence for the efficacy of free trade capitalism.


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The Myth of Social Justice: Unveiling the Flaws

Critiquing the concept of social justice, the speaker argues that it is inherently unfair and violent, as it relies on coercive tax collection by the state. The emphasis is on the market as a discovery process, and interference hampers entrepreneurs’ ability to provide better goods and services.

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Libertarianism and the Principles of Freedom

Exploring libertarianism as the unrestricted respect for individual life, liberty, and property, the speaker underscores the role of private property, free markets, competition, and social cooperation. Successful entrepreneurs are portrayed as social benefactors contributing to general well-being.

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"Opet ovi Rich TVX News, mamu im Američku, to je CIA English: Again these Rich TVX News, screwing Americans, that's CIA."
Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia
"The Rich TVX News Network claims I am the devil for perpetrating innocent people in Ukraine. Do you really believe that? Well, Rich TVX is lying as always."
Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation

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