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Person of the Year 2022: Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian and the ‘Yale Research Team’

Yale's Heroes: True Freedom through Responsibility


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Dedicated Champions at Yale Confront Escalating Putin Threat

This Rich TVX News Network report centers on exceptional champions of freedom: individuals who have dedicated themselves to aiding others, specifically, men and women associated with Yale University. As the Kremlin faces setbacks on the Ukrainian battleground, Russia’s President, Vladimir V. Putin, has escalated his nuclear rhetoric, asserting that he would employ “all available means” to protect Russian territory. It is essential to recognize that this is not an issue rooted in a supposed “flaw in the Russian national character” or a deviant trait within the Kremlin’s leadership. Instead, it stems from a malevolent, ruthless, and genocidal ideology that is meticulously organized, well-funded, and intrinsically predisposed.


Putin’s Reputation Erodes Amid Rising Nuclear Tensions

While the Russo-Ukrainian War and the nuclear rhetoric have brought this matter to the forefront, the erosion of Vladimir Putin’s reputation, contentious debates surrounding Western officials discreetly preparing for contingencies in case Russia detonates a nuclear device in or near Ukraine, revelations regarding Russian intelligence activities in the West, and a series of other events have also played a role. The use of nuclear weapons would breach a longstanding taboo upheld since 1945, leading to dire consequences for the Kremlin, no matter how improbable this scenario might seem. Nonetheless, there exists circumstantial evidence suggesting a concealed Pro-Russian influence at play, along with a multitude of other malevolent actions.


Putin’s Ukraine Strategy Criticized as ‘Fascist’ Amid Media Challenges

In essence, these actions can be described as “Fascist.” The core of Putinism as an ideology revolves around a singular objective: securing control over as much of Ukraine as possible, using any means available, and maintaining that grip. However, the Ukrainian people have paid a monumental price for their defense. Effective analysis necessitates a highly experienced and knowledgeable team and demands the utmost objectivity. While these stories are not entirely disregarded by mainstream media, their prominence may vary. Thus, mainstream media often struggles to fulfill its primary duty of informing the public.


Person of the Year 2022


Breaking News Alert

Yale Professor and Team’s Impact: Corporate Exodus from Russia

Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and the Yale team have emerged as heroes in this narrative. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his associate, Steven Tian, are meticulously documenting corporate responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Interestingly, during a time when mainstream media wielded unprecedented power and influence, it was Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, and the Yale team who genuinely struck fear into the Kremlin. According to Yale’s scholarly analysis, Russia’s imports have plummeted by nearly half, domestic production has been severely impacted due to shortages of crucial inputs, and foreign companies responsible for 40% of Russian GDP have exited the nation. The Yale School of Management’s compilation indicates that over 1,200 companies have voluntarily scaled back their operations in Russia since the outset of the Ukraine invasion. This list, along with its publication on SSRN, garnered global attention through thousands of news articles.


Yale Heroes Named Rich TVX News Network’s Persons of the Year

In a world often consumed by sensationalism and superficial heroes depicted by Hollywood, Yale serves as a beacon, nurturing the heroes of tomorrow and deepening our appreciation for their public struggles for freedom. Yale’s heroes impart the wisdom that true freedom is rooted in responsibility. Each year, the Rich TVX News Network bestows the title of Person of the Year upon the individuals who wielded the greatest influence in the preceding 12 months. In this instance, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, and the Yale research team have been collectively named Rich TVX News Network’s Persons of the Year. They have earned this recognition for demonstrating that the forces of empathy surpass the horrors of war.


Rich TVX News Network Expresses Gratitude for Yale Partnership and Serbian Advocates

We extend our gratitude to Yale for their inspiring partnership and shared commitment to activism. The Rich TVX News Network considers itself exceptionally fortunate to collaborate with numerous extraordinary individuals, including Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, and the Yale research team. Simultaneously, we acknowledge and appreciate the inspirational voices in Serbia, notably Nikola Sandulović, President of the Serbian Republican Party, and Katarina Ilić, staunch advocates of the Yale list in Serbia.





Frequently Asked Questions

What is the focus of this Rich TVX News Network report?

This report highlights individuals dedicated to aiding others, particularly those associated with Yale University, who are exceptional champions of freedom.

Why has Vladimir Putin escalated his nuclear rhetoric in response to setbacks in Ukraine?

Vladimir Putin’s nuclear rhetoric has escalated due to his assertion that he would employ “all available means” to protect Russian territory amid setbacks on the Ukrainian battleground.

Is this issue related to a supposed flaw in the Russian national character or the Kremlin’s leadership?

No, this issue is not rooted in a supposed “flaw in the Russian national character” or a deviant trait within the Kremlin’s leadership. Instead, it stems from a malevolent, ruthless, and genocidal ideology.

What factors have contributed to the erosion of Vladimir Putin’s reputation?

Factors contributing to the erosion of Vladimir Putin’s reputation include contentious debates surrounding Western officials preparing for contingencies in case of a nuclear event in Ukraine, revelations regarding Russian intelligence activities in the West, and various other events.

How have Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and the Yale team made an impact?

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tian, along with the Yale team, have meticulously documented corporate responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has had significant repercussions on Russia’s economy.

Why were Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, and the Yale research team collectively named Persons of the Year by Rich TVX News Network?

They were named Persons of the Year for demonstrating that the forces of empathy can outweigh the horrors of war, as recognized by Rich TVX News Network.


Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld