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There is a war being waged between the most powerful NWO Cabal members who presently run the world.

A Hero Of Our Time: Boris Johnson Has Ditched The Use Of Face Masks

From Thursday morning face masks will no longer be legally required

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A Hero Of Our Time: Boris Johnson Has Ditched The Use Of Face Masks

NEW YORK ( — The slap is heard all over Geneva, a shockingly loud slap in the face of Klaus Schwab that reverberates around Klaus Schwab’s brain up into the Jet d’Eau, a large fountain in Geneva, triggering panic and bringing the anxious Klaus Schwab to lose his cool. At first, Klaus Schwab, Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, gazed skyward, thinking it is a sonic boom from a low-flying jet. But the towering column of the atomic bomb cloud of thick black smoke as a “huge mushroom of smoke and dust”, climbing out Prime Minister Boris Johnson´s announcement of easing of coronavirus restrictions in England tells a different story. Boris Johnson agrees the world would be a safer place without Klaus Schwab’s COVID-19 agenda and his long-planned global communist government. The theme of liberty from tyranny has found echoes in this Rich TVX News Network bulletin. There can be no doubt that Klaus Schwab is possessed – those who witnessed his powers to whip up a mob with his Great Reset nonsense attested to that fact – but he was driven by demons of this world, not the next. They were the demons of resentment, fear, self-loathing and all-consuming hatred. Hated vaccine passports will be dumped along with the guidance to work from home and requirement to wear face masks indoors. Boris Johnson said: “The Cabinet concluded that because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public have responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A in England, and allow Plan B regulations to expire.” Klaus Schwab is part of internationalist forces that seek world domination. Prime Minister Boris Johnson tries to create a more decent world – it´s the struggle between good and evil, Light and Darkness.

Klaus Schwab Has Completely Destroyed The Reputation Of The World Economic Forum

There is a war being waged between the most powerful NWO Cabal members who presently run the world. The outcome will have a significant impact on whether the world will be able to return back to normal. It could also reveal who among members of the younger generation of World Economic Forum members, might challenge Klaus Schwab because Klaus Schwab has completely destroyed the reputation of the WEF and is no longer sustainable. British Government will no longer mandate the wearing of facemasks as restrictions come to an end. Boris Johnson has confirmed that Plan B measures to control the spread of coronavirus in England will be allowed to expire. He has ditched the use of face masks in England from next Thursday and said the legal requirement on people with coronavirus to self-isolate will be allowed to lapse when the regulations expire on March 24, and that date could be brought forward. From Thursday morning face masks will no longer be legally required anywhere in the country. Brits will still be urged to wear masks in crowded places, but will not be fined for refusing to do so. At the same time Covid passports will be axed but similarly big venues can choose to use them if wanted. Guidance to work from home will be dropped, with workers expected to go back to their offices. The only remaining rule will be the requirement to self-isolate for five days after testing positive for Covid, which Mr Johnson also wants to drop in March.

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab: Were These The Actions Of The Antichrist?

Nikola Sandulović Was First To Congratulate Boris Johnson

The fact is, Klaus Schwab didn’t need help from the dark side. He had enough destructive energy within him to wreak havoc on a scale unimaginable. Speaking during PMQs, the PM has confirmed that Plan B measures to control the spread of coronavirus in England will be allowed to expire. Serbia’s opposition leader Nikola Sandulović was the first leader to congratulate Boris Johnson. This NWO Cabal still has a surprising degree of control over our daily lives. They use the mainstream media, which they own, to shape the COVID-19 narrative. Were these the actions of the Antichrist or the devil’s disciple? If so, Satan had made a very poor choice. Moreover, if Klaus Schwab was the all-powerful instrument of such diabolical force, why is he losing control of England? Answer: Because the British Monarchy is fed up with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset nonsense. “We will trust the judgment of the British people”, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

ls Your Great Reset Plan A Cynical Deception?

The WEF’s head Klaus Schwab launched the Great Reset initiative, but Klaus Schwab is just a slave to death who, sleep-walking, performs as if under an evil hypnotist, and is the biggest threat to our world. He is one of the extremist Satanists who knows he is doing evil. The devil had disguised himself as one of world’s gentle creatures as the founder of WEF Klaus Schwab said “the sovereign state has become obsolete”, and further “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” Our message to Klaus Schwab: ls your World Economic Forum philanthropy a pose, a mask? ls your Great Reset plan a cynical deception? And do you seek to be Illuminati to take God’s decisions upon yourself, to be a man-god as Satan requires? Why, are you not planning, with members of the World Economic Forum front you founded, a room that will be your temple to Lucifer? You are everything, but certainly no Illuminati! People don’t want you. The committee doesn’t want you anymore, and the British royal family rejects you as you can see. Cease your Great Reset plans and bring no more shame to the Brotherhood. You’ve done enough damage already. It’s time for you to retire.

Boris Johnson: A Hero For The World

Boris Johnson is a British politician and writer serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since 2019. He was Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from 2016 to 2018 and Mayor of London from 2008 to 2016. Johnson has been Member of Parliament (MP) for Uxbridge and South Ruislip since 2015 and was previously MP for Henley from 2001 to 2008. Johnson was educated at Eton College and studied Classics at Balliol College, Oxford. He was elected President of the Oxford Union in 1986. In 1989, he became the Brussels correspondent, and later political columnist, for The Daily Telegraph, where his articles exerted a strong Eurosceptic influence on the British right-wing of politics. He was editor of The Spectator magazine from 1999 to 2005. After being elected to Parliament in 2001, Johnson was a shadow minister under Conservative leaders Michael Howard and David Cameron. In 2008, he was elected Mayor of London and resigned from the House of Commons; he was re-elected as mayor in 2012. In the 2015 election, Johnson was elected MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. The following year, he did not seek re-election as mayor. He became a prominent figure in the successful Vote Leave campaign for Brexit in the 2016 EU membership referendumTheresa May appointed him foreign secretary after the referendum; he resigned the position two years later in protest at May’s approach to Brexit and the Chequers Agreement. After May resigned in 2019, Johnson was elected Conservative leader and appointed prime minister. He re-opened Brexit negotiations and in early September controversially prorogued Parliament; the Supreme Court ruled the action unlawful later that month.[b] After agreeing to a revised Brexit withdrawal agreement with the EU, which replaced the Irish backstop with a new Northern Ireland Protocol, but failing to win parliamentary support for the agreement, Johnson called a snap election for December 2019 in which he led the Conservative Party to victory with 43.6% of the vote, and the party’s largest seat share since 1987. On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom withdrew from the EU, entering into a transition period and trade negotiations leading to the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the UK; the government responded with various emergency powers, introduced measures across society to mitigate its impact, and approved the rollout of a nationwide vaccination programme. Johnson has been criticised for his slow response to the outbreak, including his resistance to introducing lockdown measures.