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Volodymyr Zelensky — The First Ukrainian Comedian, Who Made President Biden Laugh

He wants nuclear weapons — Washington burst into a hearty laugh

Volodymyr Zelensky — The First Ukrainian Comedian, Who Made President Biden Laugh

NEW YORK ( — Why sing to communicate when spoken words are likely to be more readily understood? What makes a great song? Well, “Beyond Eden” is a good example. The Rich TVX News Network staff named “Beyond Eden” one of the best songs of the 1980s. Remarkable, the performer’s role and personal identity; the performer’s ethical obligations to audiences. When it comes to the lyrics — one may speak of “tragedy”. When it comes to Volodymyr Zelensky, we are suggesting that we consider the Ukrainian tragedy. During his career, the comedian, and now the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, played a variety of characters. At the Munich Security Conference, Volodymyr Zelensky, frankly, acted as a blackmailer on a global scale. But what infuriates us more than anything are the stupid, irresponsible statements of Volodymyr Zelensky, who said that Ukraine could allegedly withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum and also reinvent its own nuclear bomb. In short, he wants nuclear weapons. This is absolutely stupid, simply unbearable, fantastic nonsense, nothing more stupid has been declared by anyone in recent years from any normal country in the world. Volodymyr Zelensky is not beyond Eden, but beyond good and evil. He is the first Ukrainian comedian, who made President Biden laugh.

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Nuclear weapons and Ukraine

Prior to 1991, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and had Soviet nuclear weapons in its territory. On December 1, 1991, Ukraine, the second most powerful republic in the Soviet Union (USSR), voted overwhelmingly for independence, which ended any realistic chance of the Soviet Union staying together even on a limited scale.[1] More than 90% of the electorate expressed their support for Ukraine’s declaration of independence, and they elected the chairman of the parliament, Leonid Kravchuk as the first president of the country. At the meetings in BrestBelarus on December 8, and in Alma Ata on December 21, the leaders of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine formally dissolved the Soviet Union and formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine held about one third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal, the third largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production.[2] 130 UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) with six warheads each, 46 RT-23 Molodets ICBMs with ten warheads apiece, as well as 33 heavy bombers, totaling approximately 1,700 warheads remained on Ukrainian territory.[3] Formally, these weapons were controlled by the Commonwealth of Independent States.[4] In 1994 Ukraine agreed to destroy the weapons, and to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).[5][6]

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Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances


The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in BudapestHungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of BelarusKazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United StatesChina and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]  The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Until then, Ukraine had the world’s third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical, but not operational, control. Russia alone controlled the codes needed to operate the nuclear weapons[4][5] via Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.[4][5]  In 2009, Russia and the United States released a joint statement that the memorandum’s security assurances would still be respected after the expiration of the START Treaty.[6] After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, Canada,[7] France, Germany, Italy, Japan,[8] the UK[9] and US[10][11] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine which had been transmitted to the United Nations under the signature of Sergey Lavrov and others,[12] and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 4 March 2014, the Russian president Vladimir Putin replied to a question on the violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the current Ukrainian situation as a revolution: “a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents.”[13] Russia stated that it had never been under obligation to “force any part of Ukraine’s civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will.”