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Russo—Ukrainian War: Judo Master Putin plays with the NWO Cabal

Putin's judo strategy is a multilayered concept

Russo—Ukrainian War: Judo Master Putin plays with the NWO Cabal

NEW YORK ( — After the planned takedown of Communism in the 1990s, the NATO alliance expanded. The NWO Cabal unleashed a declaration of war, making Russia “ground zero,” in the words of Fuehrer of the secret establishment, with the current aggressive provocation of Russia via NWO Puppets. Vladimir V. Putin is widely reputed to be an expert in judo, his abilities are so impressive and so well-known in Russia that they have become a metaphor for his governing style. Obviously all metaphors have limitations, and the parallels will sometimes be incomplete, but President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has been studying martial arts since childhood and has a black belt. Putin has received multiple martial arts honors. Putin’s judo strategy is a multilayered concept. At the most basic level, it functions as a metaphor that evokes powerful images about how to compete and win. Putin’s judo strategy is not a rigid formula to be followed step by step. In Kremlin politics, as in judo, competitors come in all shapes and sizes, and each challenge will require a unique combination of techniques. So, what Putin’s judo strategy is most likely to succeed against the NWO Cabal when size or strength is not on your side? Whether you’re large or small, the answer is not to oppose strength with strength, as the NWO cabal ultimately chose to do. Instead, study the competition carefully, avoid head-to-head battles, as Vladimir V. Putin did, and turn your opponents’ strength to your advantage. This is the lesson at the heart of Putin’s judo strategy.

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