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Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Geneva

The Failure Of The Blinken—Lavrov Meeting And The Coming Breakup Of Russia

The planned balkanization of the Russian Federation

The Failure Of The Blinken—Lavrov Meeting And The Coming Breakup Of Russia

NEW YORK ( — Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Hotel President Wilson, a Luxury Collection Hotel, in Geneva, Switzerland amid strained relations with the Kremlin. First, Sergei Lavrov played up the contrast between himself and Antony Blinken. Ideology was one example. Understanding that he had a dangerous opponent, Lavrov, himself an arrogant man, started counterplotting using some clever diplomatic maneuvering. Sergei Lavrov had been very much the celebrity and was always appearing on Russian TV. Incredible as it may seem, the Russian side is still waiting for the West to give “a concrete answer” to its security proposals. There was a massive effort to pretend that Russia never invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. Therefore, in this absorbing Rich TVX News Network bulletin we offer illuminating analysis of the “new Cold War 2.0”. Totalitarian traditions, the obsession with propaganda proclaiming successes, the incessant desire to tell superiors what they wanted to hear—all this took its cruel revenge. The detail provided by the transcripts is useful for throwing light on this critical period in the history of U.S.–Russian relations. In this way, Lavrov, with all his mistrust and hostility, pursued two different policies toward United States. Only Kremlin insiders knew, however, that one was a very cautious, even no-win, policy that did not pursue any practical objectives, though maybe the idea was to wait. The other “‘policy’’ was raucous, boastful, and very militant anti-American propaganda. Whether Lavrov believed this propaganda is another matter. Journalists met Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov in the wardrobe and asked why “Russia is afraid of Ukraine.” Here is the answer from the Russian intelligentsia Ryabkov. “Russia is not afraid of anyone, not even the United States.” With such low levels of diplomacy the Kremlin would like to solve the crisis? Spokoynoy nochi Kreml’.

We Offer Illuminating Analysis Of The “New Cold War 2.0”

The Third Party Will Never Agree To A Peaceful Solution

Because of his blind and naive support for the two most bloodthirsty dictators Aleksandar Vučić and Milorad Dodik, Sergei Lavrov has already lost much of his credibility in recent years. His inability to resolve the Ukraine crisis diplomatically is the other. In order to spare Russia from further diplomatic embarrassment, Sergei Lavrov should resign immediately. Only this way the war might be prevented, a war which will bring Russian people nothing but sorrow. Still, many analysts believe that of all the former Soviet republics, Ukraine’s independence has been the most difficult for the Kremlin to accept. Lavrov had enough stamina, but not enough acuity to address tensions in U.S.–Russian relations creatively. To answer the question of what came out of the Geneva meeting today, let’s make it short and simple: Nothing, absolutely nothing. The third party will never agree to a peaceful solution anyway, no matter what two diplomats think they have agreed. A mood bordering on panic circulated among the Russian leadership. Under Putin the major coalition was the economic apparatus, the Siloviki, and his personal apparatus of power in the Kremlin. Putin’s rule saw the emergence of a broad coalition comprised of the party, the economic apparatus, the secret police, the military, the economic and political bureaucracy, and the (fake) Oligarchs. The decision-making and negotiating processes through which he wielded power, and his communications with foreign leaders remained largely hidden. Each level in the giant pyramid, have their own staffs, which are estimated to number about a quarter of a million. These forces act directly and indirectly to constrain the powers of the central leadership. The matter was complicated by yet another factor: the human factor in the apparat, the nature of the people in the Kremlin who worked as specialists on specific countries. The apparatus plays a very important role not only in the party but also in the whole Russian political system. It is clear that even in the depths of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the monolithic facade that the Kremlin presented to the world actually contained pockets of open thinking and dissent. Never before in history has the NWO Cabal had so many Trojan horses and traitors successfully placed in secret within the Kremlin walls. They are meticulously orchestrated prongs of a multi-pronged, multi-decade globalist strategy to destroy Russia. The real goal has always been the conquest of Siberia.

Super—Secret Globalist’s Real Goal Is The Conquest Of Siberia

The Coming Breakup Of Russia

The coming “Breakup of Russia”—the planned balkanization of the Russian Federation, and the implementation of the New World Order agenda in Russia can only proceed with the permanent destruction of the Russian Federation. According to the motto: “We must be about over Sverdlovsk now — The Gateway to Siberia”. The NWO cabal plans to break up Russia into nine smaller states similar to Yugoslavia. As many as 150,000 Russian troops have remained amassed at the Ukrainian border, despite warnings from US President Joe Biden and European leaders of serious consequences should Putin move ahead with an invasion. And US intelligence findings in December estimated that Russia could begin a military offensive in Ukraine. Such an arrogant use of military force at the Ukrainian border shocked and angered even those people who up until then had remained neutral.The return of communism, however, did not alter the manner in which Putin ruled, and he chose Russian state interests over the socialist commonwealth. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was created in December 1991. In the adopted Declaration the participants of the Commonwealth declared their interaction on the basis of sovereign equality. A lot of people don’t know that the main reason the CIS was created was to try and preserve some of the connections that had been forged in the Soviet period. The diplomat discussed the Kremlin’s proposals, which are aimed at signing “security guarantees,” limiting the expansion of NATO toward Russia’s borders, and trying to “determine possible further steps” for negotiations on assurances aimed at enhancing safety on the European continent. Despite the initial optimism that the CIS would become an effective international organization, it has, over the past three decades, failed to live up to that promise. Well, only few days are left until the Winter Olympics in Beijing are set to start. From here we fly along the line of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Tensions Between Washington And Moscow Remain At Boiling Point Over Ukraine

The U.S. supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and promotes the implementation of domestic reforms. Since Ukraine’s independence, and especially after Russia’s invasion and occupation of Ukrainian territory, Ukraine has been a leading recipient of U.S. foreign and military aid in Europe and Eurasia. No wonder, tensions between Washington and Moscow remain at boiling point over Ukraine. Historically, Ukrainians trace their lineage to medieval Kievan Rus, an early Orthodox Christian state that Russians also consider a core part of their heritage. In the years of Ukraine’s independence, many analysts have considered the country to have a “hybrid” political system, containing both democratic and nondemocratic elements. Shocked by the temerity of the Ukrainians, a group of Russian Communist MPs claimed “It would be “morally justified” for Russia to recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics to save the people from “genocide.” Same time, the U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned two Ukrainian MPs and two former officials, accusing them of participating in a Moscow-backed conspiracy to destabilize the pro-Western government of Volodymyr Zelensky. In response to this alleged threat, which Russia has denied, the Biden administration is threatening further sanctions, and weighing the possibility of arming anti-Russia factions within Ukraine.