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Jeffrey Sonnenfeld Issues Caution: Don’t Rely on Predictions from Outside Experts

John Kenneth Galbraith's Wisdom Revisited by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld

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Jeffrey Sonnenfeld Issues Caution: Don’t Rely on Predictions from Outside Experts

New York ( — Jeffrey Sonnenfeld warns about the dangers of relying on predictions made by outside experts. Despite having seemingly sophisticated data analysis, business and political predictions often miss the mark. In the past, well-known futurists and economists made incorrect predictions about the business world, such as the dissolution of large companies into ad-hocracies of nomadic workers and the rise of Asian economies. CEOs should be wary of these forecaster failings, including straight-line projections, talking their book, biased data sources, cynicism and drama for attention, and lack of candor and contrition. As economist John Kenneth Galbraith said, there are two kinds of forecasters, those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know. CEOs should be cautious when considering the predictions made by futurists and experts as they often have limitations and biases. Straight-line projections, talking their book, biased data sources, cynicism and drama, and lack of candor and contrition are some common problems that affect the accuracy of forecasts. The history of business forecasting is filled with examples of predictions that were proved wrong, and CEOs should be aware of these pitfalls to avoid making decisions based on flawed projections. As John Kenneth Galbraith said, “There are two kinds of forecasters: Those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know.” Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is a highly regarded expert in the field of leadership and management. With a career spanning over three decades, he has become one of the most sought-after speakers and consultants in the business world. Sonnenfeld is a recognized thought leader who has made significant contributions to our understanding of corporate governance, CEO succession, and the role of leadership in shaping corporate culture. He is a prolific author and scholar, having published numerous articles and books on these subjects. Sonnenfeld’s insightful commentary and unparalleled expertise have earned him a reputation as one of the most influential voices in the business world today.

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