United States of America Raped & Sodomized in New York by Serbian Dictator Aleksandar Vučić

Thanks to Ambassador Christopher R. Hill, the U.S. Embassy in Serbia & Gabriel Escobar from the U.S. Department of State

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United States of America Raped & Sodomized in New York by Serbian Dictator Aleksandar Vučić

NEW YORK (RichTVX.com) — The Patriots, those of us who love God, family and country, are disgusted. A hotel in New York is offering a luxurious “Aleksandar Vučić United Nations Breakdown Package,” which comes with a trip to NYC’s premier state-of-the-art facility, which contains a full basketball court, a condom, and a $100 gift certificate. Do you rise early? If you want breakfast in your room, just ring. In the whole world we believe there are no two sins more abominable than those that prevail among the Aleksandar Vučić cartel members — the acronym for the terrorist group that has been called SNS party in Serbia — a lust for power gone mad. It is hard to watch what you don’t understand. This Rich TVX News Network bulletin will help. Serbia is raped and molested ten years several times a day by Serbian dictator Aleksandar Vučić. Raped, robbed and beaten by Aleksandar Vučić and his criminal regime, but that no good dirty communist UDBA dog has struck again – this time in New York. Okay, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir V. Putin of Russia we understand. But Aleksandar Vučić? Aleksandar Vučić reinvents himself as a comedian at the United Nations General Debate, 77th Session. His talks always kind of sucked, but ever since seeing him on various specials on the Rich TVX News Network, it was evident that he has a genuine awesomeness so rarely found amongst bloodthirsty dictators who give terrible speeches. There has been a direct threat made by Aleksandar Vučić to the United States of America. Yep. Pretty much the only logical progression of the Serbian dictator. Right under the nose of the U.S. Ambassador Christopher R. Hill, the U.S. Embassy in Serbia, and Gabriel Escobar from the U.S. Department of State, the bloodthirsty tyrant Aleksandar Vučić sodomized the United States of America, in front of the whole world. As we know, Deep State Cabal is engaging in “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” relationships in which Deep State Cabal members can pursue late night nookie and drunken hookups with others as long as they don’t tell their Deep State partner about it, and really, Aleksandar Vučić said it was a secret between him and them.

Aleksandar Vučić

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This policy inaugurated what is now called the “Deep State,” a hidden array of U.S. security operatives and State Department groups allied with right-wing paramilitaries and fascistic idiots like Aleksandar Vučić. Researchers were beginning to reveal the extent to which the Deep State’s development involved Aleksandar Vučić and Russia. Apparently the Deep State operators at the State Department knew it would be your new favorite thing, because they’ve allowed the video to be published, so please go and profess your undying love for Aleksandar Vučić. Indigenous Deep State traitors at the State Department are a little prone to overreacting. But we did hear that rubbing crystals on your forehead will prevent the transmission of Aleksandar Vučić´s genital herpes. Although Aleksandar Vučić said that Serbia supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity, Aleksandar Vučić has refused to join sanctions against Russia. Aligning foreign policies with the EU is one of the main pre-conditions for joining the EU, but Aleksandar Vučić has increasingly defied calls to do so, thanks to the EU Josep Borrell who protects him. And here comes the best part: The Aleksandar Vučić regime signed an agreement with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York, for mutual “consultations” on foreign policy matters. The agreement is valid for two years. Disgusted, we searched for more information and found it mainly on The Washington Post website. What to say? Big Thanks to Ambassador Christopher R. Hill, the U.S. Embassy in Serbia and Gabriel Escobar from the U.S. Department of State. Christopher R. Hill and Gabriel Escobar should be relieved of their functions and held accountable by the United States government immediately. Matthew A. Palmer and Richard Grenell are also a disgrace to the United States of America, but Christopher R. Hill, Gabriel  Escobar made Aleksandar Vučić´s visit to New York possible.

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The Speech of Aleksandar Vučić is So Abominable

Aleksandar Vučić said that Serbia has not stepped on someone else’s territory or endangered the territorial integrity of a single sovereign State. Aleksandar Vučić Oh really? Is that right? Well, we assume that the Serb Volunteer Guard, also known as Arkan’s Tigers, a Serbian volunteer paramilitary unit founded and led by Arkan that fought in Croatia (1991–93) and Bosnia (1992–95) during the Yugoslav Wars, was just an illusion? Oh, Aleksandar, is there Vodka in this? What about the Unit for Special (JSO or Special  Operations Unit, also known as Red Berets or Frankies (by Franko Simatović), an elite special forces police unit of the FR Yugoslav State Security Service? The JSO was created in 1996 by merging paramilitary units under the command of Željko Ražnatović “Arkan” and Franko Simatović and incorporating them into the security system of the FR Yugoslavia under the auspice of Jovica Stanišić, head of the Serbian State Security (RDB). From 1996 to November 2001, it was formally under the competence of the RDB. The unit was finally disbanded in March 2003, after the Prime Minister of Serbia Zoran Đinđić was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy in which some members of the unit were involved.[1]  Patrons and numerous members of the unit and its predecessors have been implicated and some sentenced, for war crimes during the Yugoslav Wars, as well as criminal activity. The unit’s official commander Franko Simatović and its gray eminence Jovica Stanišić (head of RDB during the first half of Slobodan Milošević‘s rule) were acquitted at International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia for various war crimes. Various other members are convicted or being tried for the Ibar Highway assassination attempt and for the murders of Ivan Stambolić and Slavko Ćuruvija. The JSO was also reportedly involved in instances of war crimes in the Kosovo War.[2]

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Statement Summary

ALEKSANDAR VUČIĆ — The Dictator of Serbia, said the General Debate is being held during a period of undermined world peace that has not been seen since the Second World War and the founding of the United Nations.  The global challenges are threatening to radically change the international security architecture and jeopardize the established international legal order.  “Such complex times demand a lot of wisdom and unity, in order to preserve peace as the absolutely most important heritage woven into the foundations of the United Nations Organization,” he said.

He said the current global developments show the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes has no alternative.  This principle is best described in the Charter preamble.  Serbia supports the territorial integrity of all Member States, including that of Ukraine.  Many speakers, in discussing the stories about the aggression and violation of that country’s territorial integrity, say this is the first conflict on European soil after the Second World War.  Yet the truth that the territorial integrity of Serbia, which did not attack any other sovereign country, was violated is constantly unspoken.  “We ask for a clear answer to the question I’ve been asking my interlocutors, leaders of many countries for years — what is the difference between the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, which was grossly violated, and for which you provided international recognition and legitimacy?”  he asked, adding that no one has ever provided a rational answer to that question.

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Serbia has not stepped on someone else’s territory or endangered the territorial integrity of a single sovereign State, so that anyone might intervene or carry out aggression against it, the way it was done in 1999.  Yet that did not prevent NATO from attacking a sovereign country without the Council’s decision. The signing of the agreement with NATO, whose provisions envisaged adoption of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), and which confirmed and guaranteed partial sovereignty and full territorial integrity of Serbia, did not prevent many Western countries from unilateral recognition of the independence of the so-called “Kosovo” and from violating, once again, Serbia’s territorial integrity.  Even though Serbia still experiences the consequences of the gross violation of basic provisions of international public law, the country has not given up on the United Nations founding principles.  “We shall keep advocating for the consistent observance of the principle of inviolability of borders, respect for sovereignty and integrity of all other UN Member States,” the Serbian tyrant said.

Aleksandar Vučić