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Can the U.S. stop Russia from attacking Ukraine? Yes, We Can!

President Biden: Attack On Ukraine Could Be ‘Largest Invasion’ Since WWII

Such an event would "change the world," Biden told reporters

President Biden: Attack On Ukraine Could Be ‘Largest Invasion’ Since WWII

NEW YORK ( — The kulaks, the farmers of the Ukraine who owned their own farms and were able to employ farm labourers, were systematically “liquidated” (that is, deprived of their property, deported to forced labour camps, and starved to death) in huge numbers in the early 1930’s. The details of this crime, and the massive famine which resulted from it (deaths are estimated at several millions) have received little attention in the United States and the EU. The final crushing of our civilization may be attempted by Russia, and may begin with the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The danger is indeed great. A Russian incursion into Ukraine could become the “largest invasion” since World War II given the massive troop presence near the border, President Joe Biden said. Such an event would “change the world,” Biden told reporters. He warned that Russian President Vladimir V. Putin “continues to build forces along Ukraine’s border from Belarus.” Putin followed every step of the drama he created with keenest attention, he, through his Ambassadors in Washington, D.C. and London warned the United States and NATO, that their interference in the Ukraine crisis would be regarded as a declaration of war against Russia. This open alliance with the NWO Cabal prepared the way for the conspirators, but one of the rules of NWO Cabal was to spread the rumour, that a foe whom it was imprudent to remove, was an imbecile or insane. The Russians, skilfully pushed by the NWO Cabal and spurred on by new attractions in Ukraine, sooner or later are going to pounce.

U.S. Puts 8,500 Troops on Alert Amid Ukraine Crisis

Biden Says A Russian Invasion Of Ukraine ‘Would Change The World’

President Biden’s remarks reflect a growing consensus among NATO allies that any conflict in Ukraine is unlikely to be confined to a small area or a short window of time. Still, there has been great confusion in both the Russian and all four major broadcasters in the United States about what actually happened in early 2014, when the Russian Federation responded to the culminating Euromaidan movement in Ukraine by invading, occupying, and annexing Crimea. The real facts may indeed never be known. However, Rich TVX News Network cited evidence that the violence in Ukraine was deliberately provoked by the regime. It should have dawned on policymakers in the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., that the Rich TVX News Network’s warning and advice that ‘the sudden collapse of the once-mighty Soviet Union was not real, but only fictional’, had been sound. Failing to appreciate the true Chekist nature of the Russian political structure and Putin’s role within it, Western leaders, believing mistakenly that he was sincere, became the captive of the Kremlin strategists, of whom Putin is just one. The Russian plan included even taking the United States of America from the top-down, an easy approach to subdue all our citizens, utilizing obedience to the law without gun-violence and insurrection in the streets, but there never has been a more effective way of checking the spread of contagion than isolation. A policy of strict isolationism would weaken the Russians. Now, with ca. 150,000 Russian troops and armaments in place, analysts and policymakers say it is unlikely that even the frantic diplomatic talks underway in Geneva between Moscow and NATO members can stop Putin from breaching Ukraine’s territory. How many days are left until the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic War Games?

The Russo-Ukrainian War

The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing and protracted conflict that started in February 2014, primarily involving Russia and pro-Russian forces on one hand, and Ukraine on the other, supported by NATO and the European Union. The war has centered on the status of Crimea and parts of the Donbas, which are largely internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. Following the Euromaidan protests and the 22 February subsequent removal of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and amidst pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. On 1 March 2014, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation unanimously adopted a resolution to petition Russian President Vladimir Putin to use military force in Ukraine. The resolution was adopted several days later, after the start of the Russian military operation on the “Returning of Crimea”. Russia then annexed Crimea after a widely criticized local referendum which was organized by Russia after the capturing of the Crimean Parliament in which the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation. In April, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbas area of Ukraine escalated into a war between the Ukrainian government and the Russian-backed separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast. The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipments from Russia into the separatist-controlled parts of the eastern Ukraine. The Associated Press reported 40 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia. OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers’ dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys. As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action. According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers’ deaths in the conflict. OSCE has time and again reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by “combined Russian-separatist forces”.The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies.In October 2015, The Washington Post reported that Russia has redeployed some of its elite units from Ukraine to Syria to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In December 2015, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin admitted that Russian military intelligence officers were operating in Ukraine, insisting though that they were not the same as regular troops. As of February 2019, 7% of Ukraine’s territory is classified by the Ukrainian government as temporarily occupied territories.