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Nikola Sandulović: For Milorad Dodik The Loss Of Power Will Be Very Hard — Pravda Za Davida

The Future of Republika Srpska: Jelena Trivić

Nikola Sandulović: For Milorad Dodik The Loss Of Power Will Be Very Hard — Pravda Za Davida

NEW YORK ( — The Rich TVX News Network predicted that Jelena Trivić would defeat Milorad Dodik in the upcoming election in Republika Srpska. Jelena Trivić is a Bosnian Serb politician and university professor serving as a member of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska. For one thing, the Kremlin is losing its preeminent power position in Republika Srpska. But why should we all be happy about this? Well, the centralized power created by the criminal Milorad Dodik regime in Republika Srpska, one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is in many respects, unprecedented. Clearly, power in the Balkan countries does not exist in its own right. When it comes, it is wrapped into the character of the dictator who holds it, and when it goes, it bears an identity that has been changed by the experience. Those dictators who hold or lose power do not all share the same experience. Many things go with the loss of power, but for a dictator such as Milorad Dodik, it means life or death. When power is held for any length of time, it has an impact on the dictator’s psyche. When power is lost, it is never clear what will remain to tyrants like Milorad Dodik who held it. Mirjana “Mira” Marković, a KGB agent and the wife of Slobodan Milošević, brought Milorad Dodik to power. But by and large, the Butcher of Banja Luka Milorad Dodik ruled by terror in Republika Srpska. The dictator’s police apparatus beat old women, mothers and their babies in the streets of Banja Luka. As we learned from the Serbian security structure, two high-ranking UDBA members from Jelena Trivić’s own block are trying right now to prevent her victory, of course, it will not work. Their aim is to rig the elections in favor of the Milorad Dodik regime. More worrisome is the security side of the question. Of course, the highly criminal Milorad Dodik regime will not voluntarily surrender. However hopeful the changes in the Republika Srpska, the last thing the United States should do is to stay passive. Milorad Dodik must be arrested as soon as possible before he can flee to Russia.

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The Future of Republika Srpska: Jelena Trivić

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Taking Down A Murderous Dictator Is Just One Step

The pictures of the young people leaving, the right to redress economic grievances by force, poverty defined as inequality, all suggest that there is something terribly wrong in Republika Srpska, but losing power for Milorad Dodik is losing in everyone’s eyes. Part of the trauma of losing public power for Milorad Dodik is knowing that the Kremlin will spit on him from now on. We lose an enemy, but some say that it is not so bad for oppressed and plundered people to go for a Nicolae Ceaușescu style solution, as it is for dictators to oppress and plunder the poor. No one has done to the bloodthirsty tyrant Milorad Dodik as much damage as the Rich TVX News Network. Even the news stations generally make ten times more when a dictator thief and murderer ends up in Ceaușescu style by famishing and desperate people, than they do about thousands and scores of thousands being robbed by those dictators, nonetheless, we always prefer the democratic solution. As we already reported, in other countries, too, disastrous crimes were committed. For example, in Serbia under the criminal Aleksandar Vučić regime. A brave and principled man, the President of the Republican Party Serbia, Nikola Sandulović, the most important opposition leader in Serbia today, a “humanist’’—above all, an opponent of dogma and ideology, expounded his views, that’s why the criminal Serbian dictator Aleksandar Vučić tried to kill him. Aleksandar Vučić was condemned by Nikola Sandulović for having transformed Serbia into something dogmatic and dictatorial. The struggle against tyranny is indivisible. We have sworn on the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny. In another sense, however, tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. On the day David Dragičević was killed by Milorad Dodik´s corrupt MUP Republika Srpska policemen, on that day Milorad Dodik became our enemy. For Milorad Dodik the loss of power will be very hard, but taking down a murderous dictator is just one step, as next – the whole criminal Milorad Dodik system in Republika Srpska has to be replaced. The power of democratic nations is that the people believe that they control their own destiny. The following statement, we believe, holds the key to understanding Nikola Sandulović.
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Nikola Sandulović´s Statement

“Are the upcoming elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina fateful for the preservation of such a state as important as the fate and future path of Republika Srpska? My answer is YES! Are those two key issues of the statehood of BiH itself and the sustainability of the Republika Srpska combined and concentrated into one key point? My answer is YES! What is the common black point that unites and separates them all these years?! My answer is Milorad Dodik! If I started to list all the political and human crimes of that uncouth primitive criminal, it would take hours, and it is more or less already known to the general public. What is not, and it refers to the moment of his now certain departure from power, is the immediate beginning of political and real economic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the departure of Milorad Dodik, the ten-year cooperation with Putin and Aleksandar Vučić will be terminated. That communist-criminal trio, which for decades has been holding the entire Region hostage to a possible future war, is being broken. The biggest political-criminal clan that existed in Europe is being broken. With the departure of Milorad Dodik from power, support for Aleksandar Vučić, which he sent to him in electoral thefts and money laundering in Serbia and Republika Srpska, will be cut. With the departure of Dodik from power, the strictly guarded secret of how the Russian capital became the owner of the entire Republika Srpska will be exposed. His departure from power gives an equal chance to all peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina to jointly organize their future unitary state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and erase their nationalist divisions, for which Milorad Dodik was and remains the main culprit! How much is his guilt in all spheres of life in Republika Srpska, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina itself? I would say immeasurable! How many chances for a better and safer life for all the citizens of BIH have been irretrievably missed because of him? I would say countless! How many deaths, injustices and crimes did he commit? I would say too many! The overthrow of this self-proclaimed Serb and fake leader and representative of Serbs in BiH is an opportunity that must not be missed at any cost! His departure from power and going to prison must be imperative both for the EU community and for all free-thinking citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With that libertarian act, by taking away his power in the coming elections, a new era begins for the entire Region and opens the way for true European integration that will be implemented in practice,” said Nikola Sandulović. Only adding “Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs, and all others who live in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, unite, organize and fight for your future common unitary and independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which there will never be room for another Milorad Dodik or someone like him!”

Nikola Sandulović

Republika Srpska

Republika Srpska (Serbian Cyrillic: Република Српска, lit.‘Serb Republic’, also known as Republic of Srpska, pronounced [repǔblika sr̩̂pskaː] is one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the other being the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the north and east of the country. Its largest city and administrative centre is Banja Luka, lying on the Vrbas river.

Republika Srpska was formed in 1992 at the outset of the Bosnian War with the stated intent to safeguard the interests of the Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The war saw the expulsion of the vast majority of Croats and Bosniaks from the territory claimed by Republika Srpska and an inflow of Serbs expelled from Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following the Dayton Agreement of 1995, Republika Srpska achieved international recognition as an entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today most of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Serb population lives in Republika Srpska.

Republika Srpska is a parliamentary-style government, with the National Assembly holding legislative power within the entity. Republika Srpska is relatively centralised, although it is split into 64 municipalities called opštine.[8] The legislature holds 83 seats, and the current session is the tenth since its founding.

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