Putin was formerly the darling of the establishment

Liz Truss Delivers Final Ultimatum To The Kremlin: ‘Withdraw or Perish’

Putin is scared not to end up like Radovan Karadžić

Liz Truss Delivers Final Ultimatum To The Kremlin: ‘Withdraw or Perish’

NEW YORK (RichTVX.com) — UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has arrived in Moscow for a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, officially to discuss the situation around Ukraine, unofficially to deliver a final ultimatum to the Kremlin and namely: ‘withdraw or perish’. Did Putin take his orders from the NWO Cabal regarding Ukraine? There is every indication that he was literally pushed by the secret cabal into invading Ukraine, but now his masters are telling him to back off. The UK government has threatened to take action against Kremlin-linked oligarchs who have turned London into their playground if Vladimir V. Putin orders an invasion of Ukraine. Putin was formerly the darling of the establishment, but Liz Truss is not speaking on behalf of the UK government alone, but on behalf of a secret cabal of very rich and powerful men which will completely destroy Russia financially if Putin doesn’t withdraw from the Ukrainian border immediately. Just a few have power – a secret cabal runs things and Putin knows that very well. A number of considerations undermined in the meantime President Vladimir V. Putin’s enthusiasm for the war in Ukraine anyway. Putin is scared not to end up like Radovan Karadžić, a Bosnian Serb former politician who served as the president of Republika Srpska during the Bosnian War, and was later convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The same will happen to Vladimir V. Putin of Russia if he doesn’t immediately turn back from his self-destructive trip in Ukraine. Some related to changing conditions in Russia itself. First, the war in Ukraine was never popular. An opinion survey published in mid-2021 suggested that only one quarter of the Russian adult urban population approved of Russian policy in Ukraine or expressed ‘confidence in the eventual success of official policy. This finding was reinforced in a number of other studies, which emphasised the particular intensity of opposition in Moscow. Second and more importantly, the character of the Kremlin leadership itself changed.

President Biden Calls Putin “A Guy With Nuclear Weapons And No Friends”

The withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine’s border without having achieved their objective will obviously have large implications for Russia’s system generally, and these are explored in this Rich TVX News Network bulletin. But will it have any direct impact on the power and prestige of Vladimir V. Putin? So far Putin and his supporters have avoided laying any personal blame for the unasked-for legacy, at least publicly. It is sometimes suggested that Ukraine may be yet another nail in the political coffins of those Kremlin members who had a hand in the decision to send in Russian troops in close co-operation with the cabal, and even Putin may have good reason not to want too much exposure of just what was said and done by individuals. On the other hand, the decision to withdraw could well become a subject of recrimination if things come badly unstuck in Ukraine. In this case it would probably figure just as one issue among many, and probably not the most important one, so its impact on Putin’s position would doubtless depend largely on how well or badly his policies generally were faring. All the same, the withdrawal obviously involves not only international but also domestic political risks for Putin and his supporters. According to the press, President Vladimir V. Putin’s private yacht has been spotted sailing towards Russia from a Hamburg shipyard, triggering speculation that it was trying to avoid being impounded by sanctions which would follow a potential invasion of Ukraine. Behind the closed doors of the White House, President Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin “a guy with nuclear weapons and no friends,” the New York-based television network reported, quoting anonymous sources who have allegedly heard first-hand comments made by Biden. We were also informed that for the first time since 1999 there will be no official delegation from Russia at the Munich Security Conference. The Putin regime, following a long series of disappointments in Russian relations, now concentrated their main attention on states of former Soviet republics, to set up and rule through Soviet-type vanguard parties, in which the Kremlin hopes to establish a strong influence. It’s all over now, baby blue.

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