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Milli Vanilli on Paramount+: The Pact With the Devil – Linda Rocco Unveiling Secrets

Discover the untold story behind Milli Vanilli's rise

Charles Shaw,
Linda Rocco &
Jodie Rocco

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Key Figures

Recollections from our previous visit to the FAR studios, located on the outskirts of Frankfurt, evoke peculiar sentiments. The passage of time, roughly spanning two decades, renders it a distant epoch – an apex that seldom reoccurs. It remains astonishing that this modest facility was the birthplace of numerous chart-topping hits. Amongst the notable artists ingrained in our memory are Linda Rocco and her sister, Jodie Rocco. Both, Linda Rocco, alongside her sibling Jodie, established their vocal presence as integral components of the Milli Vanilli ensemble and later as performers in The Real Milli Vanilli. Subsequently, Linda Rocco lent her vocal talents as a background singer to luminaries such as Michael Jackson, Bobby Kimball, and La Bouche. A pinnacle in Linda Rocco’s career was her remarkable contribution as the lead vocalist behind the dance project “Dance 2 Trance,” particularly the widely acclaimed single “P.ower of A.merican N.atives.” Additionally, she undertook the role of the primary vocalist for Masterboy during a few years. In her current capacity, Linda Rocco serves as a coach at the dance and performance institution owned by her spouse, George Liszt, situated in Frankfurt am Main. She also maintains an active role as a vocalist within the pop ensemble Fayoum Blue.

True Lies

Furthermore, an intriguing musical composition is on the cusp of release, inspired by the Milli Vanilli documentary. This collaborative endeavor, known as ‘True Lies,’ represents a joint effort involving Linda Rocco, her identical twin sister, Jodie Rocco, and Michael Ameer. In light of her remarks within the documentary concerning The Real Milli Vanilli, the subsequent musical group, and the issues surrounding their authenticity, the Rich TVX News Network initiated contact with Linda Rocco to elicit clarifications on whether she implied that both the original Milli Vanilli and their successors were embroiled in controversies related to their authenticity. People who watch Milli Vanilli on Paramount+ can form their own opinions about this. Before becoming the subject of worldwide mockery, Milli Vanilli held a significant place in the realm of pop music. Their first album, “Girl You Know It’s True,” featured a unique blend of R&B, rap, and dance music, leading to three hit singles and an impressive eight million copies sold in the United States alone. The big secret that came out was that neither of them actually sang in their album. In concerts and shows, even at the Grammy Awards, they pretended to sing, but they were just moving their lips to songs sung by other people. The person behind this plan was the German producer Frank Farian, who had a contract with Morvan and Pilatus.

Music Exploitation

The whole fake image fell apart in November 1990 when Farian got angry because Morvan and Pilatus wanted to sing in their next album. He then revealed that they were fakes. Although Morvan and Pilatus faced the worst fallout from this problem, Frank Farian and the people at the record company Arista, including founder Clive Davis, didn’t face many consequences. The ramifications of this debacle were notably severe for the German-born Rob Pilatus, who grappled with a debilitating drug addiction and tragically succumbed to an overdose in 1998, at the tender age of 32. For over three decades, the Milli Vanilli scandal has been regarded as a somewhat farcical cautionary tale, emphasizing the pursuit of fame at any cost. However, the new documentary recontextualizes this incident as a tragic narrative that underscores the exploitation of artists, particularly those of Black origin, within the music industry. The “Milli Vanilli” documentary features interviews with Fabrice Morvan and various musicians who worked on the “Girl You Know It’s True” album, such as Charles Shaw and Brad Howell. These individuals have moved on from the controversy but still carry a feeling of being used. The impetus for this documentary materialized when the filmmaker chanced upon a video of Morvan performing at the Moth, a storytelling event in New York. After a year of persistent efforts, he succeeded in convincing a hesitant Morvan to partake, recognizing that without his participation, a documentary was inconceivable.

Milli Vanilli

Deceptive Path

Despite initial reluctance from most individuals involved, filmmaker Korem ultimately persuaded the key figures, including Shaw, Howell, backup vocalists Jodie and Linda Rocco, and Ingrid Segieth, Frank Farian’s former girlfriend and assistant. Another pivotal element was an audio recording of an interview with Rob Pilatus, conducted during his stay at a rehabilitation facility a few weeks prior to his untimely demise. Korem noted that this recording breathed life into Pilatus’s perspective and conveyed his thoughts with remarkable clarity and potency, at times haunting. The narrative unfolds in 1980s Munich, where Pilatus, raised by his adoptive family in Germany, and Morvan, a native of France, crossed paths, forged a swift friendship, and embarked on their joint musical journey. Lacking financial means and fervently desiring success, they impulsively signed a contract with Frank Farian, a preeminent music producer in Germany at the time, without a second thought, let alone a thorough reading. To their dismay, they soon discovered that Farian’s intent was for them to merely lip-sync to songs performed by others, emphasizing their distinctive appearance and dancing prowess rather than their musical talents. Fearing legal and financial repercussions associated with breaching the contract, they reluctantly adhered to the deceptive arrangement.

A Disturbing Narrative

The predicament arose when Milli Vanilli’s debut single, “Girl You Know It’s True,” unexpectedly soared to prominence, securing a top-5 spot in 23 countries. Subsequently, the album was released, featuring several chart-topping tracks, including “Don’t Forget My Number” and “Blame It on the Rain,” composed by Diane Warren. Morvan and Pilatus rapidly ascended to international stardom, despite their pronounced accents and limited command of the English language, arousing suspicions. As their fame burgeoned, so did the mounting pressure to safeguard the secret, even as the inevitability of its revelation loomed. Numerous pronouncements articulated by Ingrid Segieth within the discourse exhibit a degree of concern. It would have been judicious for Ingrid Segieth to abstain from participating in the documentary interview, as her portrayal therein is not commensurate with a favorable image. Frank Farian, regrettably, forewent an invaluable opportunity to proffer his perspective on the matter. Consequently, his portrayal within the narrative veers toward that of a self-serving and morally questionable individual. The “Milli Vanilli” documentary shows Farian as someone who saw Black artists as easily replaceable parts in his music-making process. It also talks about his history of using studio tricks, which started a decade before Milli Vanilli.

Timeless Legacy

The documentary focuses on the unfair backlash that mainly targeted Morvan and Pilatus, rather than holding people like Farian accountable. In the past, there was a time of perfection, but things on Earth inevitably change. Rob Pilatus becomes a dark mark on Frank Farian’s soul, and with time, this mark becomes more ominous. Blaming everything on Rob and Fab was not fair. The Milli Vanilli Project seems to have become a bad omen, affecting the Arista people’s fortunes and putting Clive Davis’s once-untouchable legacy at risk. There are positive characters like Linda Rocco and her sister, Jodie Rocco, who are admired by people worldwide. Linda Rocco and her sister Jodie Rocco contributed their voices to the enchanting sound of Milli Vanilli, making them an integral part of the magic that defined the group. It’s hard to imagine what the songs would have been like without their vocal contributions. You might wonder, what remains? Milli Vanilli, regardless of who sang, still holds a special place in the hearts of countless people all around the world. While Rob and Fab may never receive justice in our time, future generations will remember them. If you doubt our words, close your eyes and reflect on the song “Blame It on the Rain.” Who do you envision when you think of it?

Oriental Melodic Masterpiece

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Linda Rocco and Jodie Rocco, and what roles did they play in the music industry?

Linda Rocco and her sister, Jodie Rocco, were integral components of the Milli Vanilli ensemble and later as performers in The Real Milli Vanilli. Linda Rocco also lent her vocal talents to various artists, such as Michael Jackson, Bobby Kimball, and La Bouche.

Can you tell me more about Linda Rocco’s music career, particularly her involvement with “Dance 2 Trance”?

Linda Rocco made a remarkable contribution as the lead vocalist behind the dance project “Dance 2 Trance,” particularly known for the widely acclaimed single “P.ower of A.merican N.atives.”

What is the collaborative project “True Lies,” and who is involved in it?

“True Lies” is an intriguing musical composition inspired by the Milli Vanilli documentary. It’s a joint effort involving Linda Rocco, her identical twin sister, Jodie Rocco, and Michael Ameer.

What is the central theme of the Milli Vanilli documentary?

The documentary recontextualizes the Milli Vanilli scandal as a tragic narrative that underscores the exploitation of artists, particularly those of Black origin, within the music industry.

What can viewers expect from the “Milli Vanilli” documentary, and who are some of the key figures interviewed in it?

The documentary delves into the story of Milli Vanilli and features interviews with Fabrice Morvan and various musicians who worked on the “Girl You Know It’s True” album, such as Charles Shaw and Brad Howell.

Will people remember Rob and Fab from Milli Vanilli in the future?

Yes, future generations will remember them.


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