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Under Pressure from Moscow

Russophile Puppet Aleksandar Vučić: Too Scared to Face His Master Putin

Aleksandar Vučić Chooses Cowardice Over Courage

A Masterclass in Diplomatic Gymnastics

Oh, what a masterclass in diplomacy we’re witnessing! Lula, in his infinite wisdom, decides to skip the BRICS summit because, really, who wouldn’t want to avoid the awkwardness of sitting next to Vladimir “Cold War Leftover” Putin? What’s more fun than playing pretend with a washed-up KGB agent?

Vučić: Serbia’s Putin Fanboy

But enter Aleksandar Vučić, Serbia’s resident Putin fanboy, who, in a truly brave display of leadership, heroically decides not to show up himself but sends four of his lackeys instead. Because, hey, facing your puppet master in person is so last season. Naturally, Vučić claims to have been “straightforward” with Putin, which, in Vučić code, means he probably groveled just enough to keep the Kremlin happy while plotting his next escape route.

The Price of Isolation

And, of course, Vučić, ever so modest, reminds everyone that Serbia is still the proudest Putin sycophant left in Europe. Because, you know, international isolation is all the rage these days. Serbia’s strategy? Hitching its future to a regime sinking faster than a stone, but with the delusion that it’s somehow winning a moral high ground. Bravo, Vučić, bravo.

Putin’s Media Fantasy

Meanwhile, Russian media continues its fantasy that Putin is still the world’s favorite global leader, and that sanctions are secretly boosting their economy. Spoiler alert: they’re not. But hey, China and India are happy to exploit Russia’s desperation while pretending this alliance is mutually beneficial. What’s not to love about cheap, desperation-fueled resources?

Saudi Arabia and Brazil: The Smart Players

As for Saudi Arabia and Brazil? Oh, they’re far too clever to get involved unless there’s a pot of gold waiting for them. Putin’s bag of tricks, however, is running on fumes. But don’t worry, Vučić is probably available to give him a masterclass on how to make empty promises and dodge consequences—after all, he’s been practicing for years.

Kremlin’s Internal Drama

And as for the Kremlin? Well, they’re apparently panicking over whether Putin’s body double is convincing enough to fool world leaders. Let’s not even start on the internal drama, where they’re playing political musical chairs, with Sergei Shoigu potentially getting thrown under the bus to settle some petty disputes. Ah, Russian leadership: chaos, deception, and betrayal—just another day at the office!

Russophile Puppet

Russophile Puppet Aleksandar Vučić:
Too Scared to Face His Master Putin


Key Facts

  • Skipping the Summit: Lula avoided the BRICS summit, sidestepping the awkwardness of sitting next to Putin, a “Cold War Leftover.”
  • Vučić’s Diplomatic Maneuver: Instead of attending the summit, Serbia’s Vučić sent four representatives, dodging direct contact with his “puppet master” Putin.
  • Serbia’s Strategy: Serbia proudly continues its pro-Putin stance, despite the sinking state of Russia’s global position, deluding itself into thinking it holds moral high ground.
  • Putin’s Dwindling Power: Russian leadership, from body doubles to internal conflicts, is plagued by chaos and deception, with Putin’s influence faltering.

Russian Media’s Alternate Reality

In Russian media, Vladimir Putin is consistently depicted as a dominant global leader, despite international condemnation. This narrative persists alongside the misleading claim that Western sanctions are actually strengthening the Russian economy, which, in reality, is struggling under the weight of these measures.

Russia’s Few Remaining Allies

The few countries still engaging with Russia are those benefiting from its isolation. China, facing its own economic challenges, exploits Russia as a vassal state, while India capitalizes on discounted Russian resources. Serbian Russophiles under Serbian tyrant Vučić also continue to support Putin, driven by historical ties and political alignment. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on in disbelief, shaking their heads at these alliances that prioritize economic gains and misguided loyalties over the broader global reality.